Hello! My name is Hazel and I’d like to thank you for taking a look at my art! I’ve been an artist for my entire life mainly sourcing inspiration from my great-grandmother and grandfather who were both artists. I hope to produce work that brings me joy to create. The goal or desired end product with any of my pieces is something that makes another smile. Digital is my preferred choice of media but I’m open to any and all forms of art!

Fun Facts

  • I was born on the 28th of October Making me a Scorpio! Astrology is a hobby of mine, amongst many others. While I may not be clairvoyant, reading tarot is something that I find fun to do and to be on the receiving end of. Even some of my more non-believing peers enjoy to have their fortunes read now and again.

  • This one is hard to answer! While my go to answer is Coraline, It’s hard to pick a favorite. I’d say my top 5 in no particular order are Coraline, Kill Bill Vol. 1, Charlie Bartlett, The Matrix, and American Psycho. Honorable mentions go to Inglorious Bastards, One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s nest, Grand Budapest Hotel, Happy Feet, Twilight, and Black Swan.

  • With no activity even coming close to it in terms of hours I spend weekly, Sudoku is hands down my favorite game to play. I’ve always loved logic puzzles, but sudoku is so accessible. I can start a hard puzzle when I want to waste 30 minutes or if I’m in-between something I’m able to begin an easier puzzle and pause it without having too hard of a time with regaining my train of thought.

  • Is yet to come!